Saturday, January 24, 2009


Every year the people of China celebrate Chinese New Year and every year (or at least in the three that I've been tracking it) CCAA has done their best to send out a set of referrals before they leave to spend time with their families and friends. This year was no different. While I am extremely grateful they matched more families I can't help but be a little disappointed as well. You see, on average CCAA has referred approximately five log in dates per referral period (every 30 days or so). This time they matched only 2 days. It’s not just the two days that’s disappointing. It’s the number of people. Based on poll results (which I’ve also been following for three years), over the past six months, CCAA has matched between 60 and 80 families. 24 were matched with this referral batch.

I’ve had my ups and downs with this wait and I’ve really tried to think positive. After all, it’s not like we are the only people on this crazy ride. And, it’s not like we can do anything about it. We’ve been committed to this process from the beginning. We will continue to be committed until we bring baby moon home…no matter how many ups and downs of this sometimes heart breaking process we have to go through.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


There is official word that CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs) has begun the matching process for the next set of referrals. In the next week or so families who have been waiting for almost three years will finally see a picture of their baby's face. Think about that....three years. In that time some of their friends and family members have had at least one baby. They've been to baby showers with smiles on their faces while in the back of their minds (or sometimes right up front) they were thinking about the day it would be their turn. They've listened to the daily joys and challenges their friends have faced as parents and wondered how they'll handle being a parent. Three years of wondering and waiting. If that isn't a test of patience I don't know what is. And now they are on pins and needles waiting for referrals to arrive. And we are one step closer.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Procrastinate Much???

Almost two years ago we received the official "travel" CD from our adoption agency, CCAI. At that time we still thought we were going to be traveling a year and a half ago. Anyway, we finally watched it tonight. This was prompted by the receipt of the "Pre-Placement Packet" we received yesterday. Of course, the packet suggested we revisit the CD (nothing like a little procrastination right?) It's all beginning to seem real again.

So, now I'm diving deep into what needs to be done ahead of time. Researching strollers and car seats. Figuring out what we need to bring with us to China (gifts for the caregivers and government officials, medication for us and the baby...). Baby proofing this home of ours. And the list just keeps getting longer. We've had three years to think about this. No more procrastinating. It's time to get to work and I couldn't be happier.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Year has Begun

The new year has begun and we are still waiting. Waiting on CCAA to get through all the dossiers that arrived before ours, matching deserving families with precious children. The good news is they have officially matched families whose dossiers were logged in up to February 28, 2006. Our log in date (LID) is March 15, 2006. CCAA has been averaging approximately 5 log in dates per month so the light at the end of the tunnel is getting a lot brighter.

Today my mil, sil and I went shopping for Baby Moon for the first time and it made me realize how much I have to accomplish before we actually travel. A to do list is definitely in order but where do I start? I guess finishing her room might be a good place. We have a good start. I actually painted it over a year ago. But, knowing me, I'll probably change it again by the time it's all said and done.