Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Procrastinate Much???

Almost two years ago we received the official "travel" CD from our adoption agency, CCAI. At that time we still thought we were going to be traveling a year and a half ago. Anyway, we finally watched it tonight. This was prompted by the receipt of the "Pre-Placement Packet" we received yesterday. Of course, the packet suggested we revisit the CD (nothing like a little procrastination right?) It's all beginning to seem real again.

So, now I'm diving deep into what needs to be done ahead of time. Researching strollers and car seats. Figuring out what we need to bring with us to China (gifts for the caregivers and government officials, medication for us and the baby...). Baby proofing this home of ours. And the list just keeps getting longer. We've had three years to think about this. No more procrastinating. It's time to get to work and I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

Hey it's Tonja from the RQ March room. Just wanted to let you know that I was checking in on your blog. Looks good. I am just like you as far as researching car seats, strollers, gifts, etc. I am driving my hubby nuts, I think. Our LID is 3/3. I am so glad to see that it is finally March's turn for referrals.