Thursday, July 30, 2009
Plan B
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
We're in Beijing
We pretty much have a free day today to explore. We are meeting our group downstairs in just a few minutes. Tomorrow we go to Tianmen Square, Forbidden City, tour the Silk factory and check out some local restaurants. Our guide wants to make sure we have a true sense of China. How awesome is that?
I'll post more later.
Take care!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It's Travel Day !!!
Our flight doesn't leave until 9:15 tonight. We fly into LA where we have a two hour layover. From there it's a 12 hour and 40 minute straight shot to Beijing. We are scheduled to arrive at 5:20 am Thursday morning. We'll be in Beijing until Sunday. While we are there we'll get to do a few tours which we are looking forward to. Sunday we fly to Chongqing. In my last post I said we would be getting Ella Sunday but the final itinerary has us picking her up Monday afternoon.
For now, I'm waiting on Rob to get home and trying my best not to take a nap. I took the day off to finish up the packing and getting the house ready for my sis-in-law who is house / dog / cat / fish sitting for us. It all started about 5:00 am and considering the fact neither one of us got a good nights sleep I'm having a hard time keeping the eyes open. Just one more hour before we leave. Guess I should find something else to keep me busy.
A great big THANK YOU
I also want to thank all of my PSSI family. Thanks for the gifts, support and never ending advice you have all given me.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Travel Plans
We found out this morning that our consulate appointment has been confirmed so we were able to officially make our travel arrangements to head to China. We fly out Tuesday, July 28th to Beijing. We get there early on the 29th. The next couple of days will be spent getting acclimated to the time difference and doing some sight seeing. Then we'll fly to Chongqing City Sunday August 2nd which happens to be the day we finally meet Ella. The rest of the trip will be spent finalizing the adoption and bonding with our little girl. Our flight home lands around 6:20 am on August 13th.
Interesting little tidbit...I listed August 2nd as Ella's arrival date on one of our registries.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Man...the past couple of weeks have flown by
We've spent lots of time with family and friends over the past couple of weeks. My entire family was together for the Fourth of July weekend. Rob's cousin and her girls (who I adore) are visiting and we've been able to spend some time with them. We've also had friends in from Dublin who have a seven month old. What a lot of fun and a eye opener. Have to say that little girl can steal any one's heart with her little smile.
I have to give a great big THANK YOU to Susan, Dianne and Emily for throwing a baby shower for us last Sunday. Being the center of attention has never been something that I enjoy, but it was so much fun opening all the great gifts from so many people that are just about as excited as we are to bring Ella home.
The only paperwork required over the past week or so dealt with applying for visas. It was a little nerve wracking but we received them within a week. I'm sure Rob is ready for the stress of it all to be done. I've apparently been talking in my sleep lately. Last night it was something to the effect of "but I thought I sent those documents". I actually woke up Wednesday morning and decided I needed to take the day off to ease some of my stress. I spent the day shopping for the trip and buying clothes for Ella. I slept a little better Wednesday night :-)
Now for the latest and greatest news so far....We received our travel approval from China. The last major hurdle has been conquered!! Our agency has requested a consulate appointment for us and hopes to have us traveling to China the last week of July. So, in about a week and a half we should be on our way!! I'll post more as soon as things are finalized.
I wonder what I'll dream about tonight????
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Just trying to get ready
A couple of days after we received our referral we received the next travel packet from our agency. Included in it was a list of documents that needed to be signed, notarized and sent back to them ASAP. It also included a list of other things that needed to be done like contact the NVC (National Visa Center) to make sure USCIS sent our case to them. So...I called NVC and found out they did not have a record of our case. Wow...not exactly what I expected to hear. Needless to say, CCAI (our agency) received a call. I was told that sometimes it's better to email NVC so I did and for good measure I attached a copy of the I-797 (our governments formal approval for us to adopt which explicitly stated that the documents were sent to the NVC). The good thing is it didn't take long for them to respond. The bad thing is they still said they didn't have a record of our case.
The next step...a phone call to USCIS. Apparently the rep on the other end of the line was trained to read word for word the documentation in front of her in a very monotone voice (gotta love government). In that very monotone reading I was told that I would need to email the local office of the USCIS. Fortunately, she was able to get the address for me.
So...I email the local office attaching the I-797 (again for good measure). In this email I explained how anxious we were to make sure all the paperwork was in order before we leave. I also asked that they send the appropriate paperwork to the NVC. Believe it or not, I received a response within a couple of hours. A very pleasant surprise. The response was "We did mail the I-600A packet to the NVC on March 5, 2009. It was never returned to our office as undeliverable. Have you contacted the consulate?"
You know, I usually consider myself a fairly patient person but this just about sent me over the edge. Have I contacted the consulate? Are you kidding? Come on!! How about just resubmitting the paperwork. How hard could that possibly be?
OK...deep breathes. Being ugly in a reply isn't going to get us anywhere. Instead I politely replied and said I wouldn't know how to get in touch with the consulate or who I would talk to. I then asked if he had any suggestions. That was about 3:30 this afternoon. I didn't receive a reply and considering the holiday probably won't hear anything until next week.
On a lighter note, for months we've been holding off on buying anything for Ella because we just didn't know how old she would be or how big. And considering the baby showers that are being planned by both family and friends I had to take the time and register. I'm really surprised at how overwhelmed I was. Thank goodness for my friend Cindy. She isn't too far removed from having to deal with a baby and the things that make life easier. She, along with my niece, Ali, made the whole process a little easier. I really don't like being the center of attention, but I'm really looking forward to the showers. It does my heart good to share this experience with the people who have been waiting with us.Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Introducing Ella Addison Moon

Today is referral day and I'm a nervous wreck
Sleeping last night was a joke. But, at some point I must have been sleeping because I had a dream. In that dream I walked into work this morning and was immediately bombarded by people needing help. By the time I had a chance to look at the clock it was 12:45 and I was still surrounded. I had to wade through everyone yelling that it was time for me to leave. Like I said...I'm a nervous wreck.
Just six more hours and we'll know. We'll know the name she was given by the orphanage, how old she is and where she is right now. We'll find out if she's been in an orphanage or was lucky enough to have foster care. We'll get general information about her health and find out how tall she is and how much she weighs. And, most important, we'll get to see her face for the very first time.
I know we have a lot of people who have been waiting with us that anxious to know about her. So, as soon I can I'll post all of this information. In the meantime, say a little prayer for Ella please so that she is well taken care of until we can bring her home.
Friday, June 19, 2009
So Close...
We just received a group of matches today! The CCAA matched our families with log in dates of March 15, 2006! We also received matches for our expedited families due to Chinese Descent who were logged in through April 10, 2007! At this time, the CCAA has not updated their intranet website, so we do not know the official cut off date.
Congratulations to all of our families who were matched in this group! We are excited to be calling these families on Monday!
Deep Breathes
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Pins and Needles
We have learned the CCAA has completed the next group of matches. We do not know the cut off date for the next set of matches at this time. We do hope the CCAA mails matches soon!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Nothing Yet
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Finally...another set of referrals.
Now the question is when. Will CCAA try to get back on track with sending referrals at the beginning of the month or will we have to wait another month? All I know is I’m ready NOW!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Letter to Family and Friends
As we prepare for the arrival of our daughter, we have learned that while decorating the nursery and stocking up on baby essentials is important, even more important is the emotional health of our baby. In her short life, Ella will have gone through more changes and life altering experiences than most adults could handle. Imagine how much harder the changes will be for her. While she may not consciously remember the events, she will still experience immense loss, including feelings of grief and trauma. She's already experienced the loss of a birthmother and will soon experience the loss of familiar and comforting caretakers as well as the sights, smells, and language of her birth country. Her world will turn upside down. She will struggle with feeling safe and secure and may lack the ability to trust that we will meet her needs.
We have prepared to meet Ella's emotional needs so that she does learn that we will always take care of her and we will always keep her safe. We need your support. In order to form a strong and healthy attachment we will allow her to regress so that she has the opportunity to go through all of the emotional stages with us despite her chronological age. Although it may appear that we are spoiling her, we have been advised that it is best that we meet every need quickly and consistently. Until she has learned that we are her parents, we will need to be her primary caretakers at all times. It is essential that we always hold her, feed her, and do all of the nurturing. You may wonder how long this will take, but the timeline is different for every child. We will follow Ella's lead and trust our instincts as her parents rather than worry about what society expects.
We have all been waiting anxiously for our daughter to arrive but she has not been waiting for us. She may show her grief and confusion in many ways and we are prepared to help her through it and prove that we are a forever family and this truly is her last stop. We trust that as our family and friends you will help us to do what is best for our daughter, and we thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
Rob and Laura
Monday, April 20, 2009
Finally....a name.
Status Update - We're getting closer
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I’ve had my ups and downs with this wait and I’ve really tried to think positive. After all, it’s not like we are the only people on this crazy ride. And, it’s not like we can do anything about it. We’ve been committed to this process from the beginning. We will continue to be committed until we bring baby moon home…no matter how many ups and downs of this sometimes heart breaking process we have to go through.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Procrastinate Much???
So, now I'm diving deep into what needs to be done ahead of time. Researching strollers and car seats. Figuring out what we need to bring with us to China (gifts for the caregivers and government officials, medication for us and the baby...). Baby proofing this home of ours. And the list just keeps getting longer. We've had three years to think about this. No more procrastinating. It's time to get to work and I couldn't be happier.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
A New Year has Begun
Today my mil, sil and I went shopping for Baby Moon for the first time and it made me realize how much I have to accomplish before we actually travel. A to do list is definitely in order but where do I start? I guess finishing her room might be a good place. We have a good start. I actually painted it over a year ago. But, knowing me, I'll probably change it again by the time it's all said and done.